Sustainable Brand Criteria

In order to obtain the most accurate information about the sustainability activities of our brands, we created a transparent sustainability survey with our expert consultants. We attach importance to sending this survey to our suppliers and objectively evaluating the answers we receive. In this way, we evaluate our brands according to the 9-item Sustainable Brand Criteria that we created by taking into account their relationships with production chains.

CLEAN CONTENT | Are at least half of the products in your portfolio produced using completely environmentally friendly raw materials during the production phase?

It is important to go for ecological solutions in choosing raw materials for sustainability. Companies should increase the use of organic cotton or other environmentally friendly materials with valid certificates in this field, and when choosing these materials, they should ensure that they are produced without wasting energy and water.

*Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide 100% composition of only sustainable materials in some exceptional product groups.

HARMLESS DYEING | Are your products dyed in an environmentally friendly way and free of toxic chemicals?

Toxic chemicals used in the dyeing process negatively affect the health of workers, pose a danger to consumers, and can create negative environmental effects.

Since the product is usually dyed to its final state, in order to be able to say that it is completely sustainable, it is important that it is left in its raw color or dyed with a dye that will cause the least harm to the environment.

WASTE MANAGEMENT | What is the recycling rate of your waste generated during packaging, logistics and sales processes?

It is important for brands to be culturally sensitive to the Vitruta Zero Waste 5R Approach and take remedial steps in this direction.

Re-design; It is the restructuring of systems to minimize waste generation.

Reduce; is to choose the use of materials that reduce the amount of waste produced.

Reuse; It is the reuse of materials that still have the potential to be used or the parts that make up the material.

Bringing it back to the world (Re-earth); It is the utilization of organic wastes in ways that will turn them into benefits for humans, animals and nature, respectively.

Recycle; is the reuse of waste as a resource.

RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN ​​| Do you know enough about the entire supply chain?

It is not enough for brands to audit only their direct suppliers, the clothing manufacturers; there are also sub-suppliers in the chain that need to be audited. Transparency of production is the key to a more responsible future for the fashion industry. At the same time, in a sustainable business, the social impact of the brand as well as its environmental impact should be taken into consideration. It is important for brands to be responsible for the conditions in the entire supply chain, subject their production facilities and suppliers to strict control, and prefer those that accept and implement certain principles.

Basic Level: The brand has very basic knowledge and only knows the company that produces its products.
Medium Level: The brand knows the material supplier (cotton fiber supplier, yarn supplier, etc.) but does not perform an audit.
Good Level: The brand knows its supply chain down to the raw material level (cotton producers, cardboard box manufacturers, etc.) and inspects its suppliers at regular intervals.

CLIMATE FRIENDLY | Do you carry out emission reduction activities from the beginning of production until the products reach the store? Do you make a balancing investment in return for the emissions generated?

One of the causes of the climate crisis is the excessive traffic caused by the fashion industry, and logistics plays an active role at every stage of the supply chain. Excessive traffic increases energy use and CO2 emissions. In order to control this situation, time planning and preference of regional manufacturers in the supply chain may be a solution. For a positive evaluation, necessary efficiency studies should be carried out to keep emissions to a minimum in the entire chain, from the transportation of raw materials to the delivery of the final product to the stores.

SOCIAL IMPACT | What percentage of your profit does the budget you spend on environmental and social projects constitute?

A brand's character, products, message and values ​​are important. Brands that contribute to the world we live in by embracing common values, in addition to sustainable production, are one step ahead of others. The fact that brands regularly carry out projects or collaborations within the scope of social responsibility is the best proof that they stand behind the values ​​they defend.

CERTIFICATION | Do you have any sustainability-related certifications supporting your activities?

It is important for a brand to support its eco-efficiency claims and practices with sustainability certificates and to have products eco-labelled and certified to prove that they are sustainable.

GENDER EQUALITY | Do you have practices that support gender equality in your company strategy? Additionally, what is your ratio of female employees?

By investing in women-owned businesses, you help create greater prosperity for women, their families and their local communities. Empowering female entrepreneurship in our world can inspire others to follow their dreams.

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT | Do you have production in Turkey?

Our greatest responsibility, which is based on sustainability principles, is to act responsibly and supportively towards local stakeholders for the development of the regional economy. The limit of what an institution can do is parallel to the strengthening of its environment. Therefore, local producers, artisans and communities should always be supported and synergies should be created between groups.