vitruta Book Selection  |  SKU: MER0007

Mercado Edition #9 - The Illusion of Control


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Mercado Edition #9 - The Illusion of Control

The word Mercado, which means “public market, market” in Spanish, has a deeper meaning beyond being a shopping area used by local people; They are socialization areas where the city's best local products are sold and there are boutique branches of famous restaurants.

With the desire to create a digital "Mercado" that brings together talented designers and artists who can inspire everyone, this "Mercado", where many special people and their projects will take place, will also feed the hunger for creative experiences and to come together and support design and art in spite of those who say that the world is getting worse. It was established to lead people united with its power.

Can we control the climate crisis by banning plastic straws? Can mass protests prevent wars from breaking out? Is it in our power not to become an increasingly impoverished society? Will we control artificial intelligence or will artificial intelligence control us? If the answer to all these questions is "we can control", is this an illusion of control, or is it the human being who is the key to getting out of all this chaos for which we are responsible?

"Can one control everything?" Pursuing the question, the cover of this special issue includes Barış Çavuşoğlu, with whom we came together for the production of the hybrid sculpture RTV-2 HR, Seçkin Pirim, the anti-control artist of controlled works, the Esiyor team questioning who is in control of the climate crisis, Ersin Han Ersin, who creates realities beyond the senses, the orchestra that discovers the harmony of chaos. chief Nisan Ak, creative producers who take control of their lives in different geographies, Eray Dinç who combines film and game dynamics, Thijs Biersteker, the new face of ecological art, the future file grown in the laboratory, Ahmet Öğüt, Daan Roosegarde, Burr Studio, Best Selection and many more Mercado awaits its readers.

  • 194 pages
  • Place of Production: Türkiye
  • Products in the book category cannot be returned or exchanged.

About the Brand

The vitruta Book Selection, a favorite section among book enthusiasts at vitruta, is designed to cater to a variety of interests with its constantly changing selection. From coffee table books to the printed editions of the digital art and design platform Mercado, and hard-to-find Kinfolk issues, you'll find your mini library here!

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